Client Side Template
Formats date values
To format a date value, use the :date(formattingDefinition) directive in your placeholder. You can use the following symbols in the formattingDirective.
- Symbol
- Description
- yy
2 digit year (e.g. 72)
- yyyy
4 digit year (e.g. 1972)
- dd
day with leading 0 (e.g. 04)
- d
day (e.g. 4)
- MM
month with leading 0 (e.g. 03)
- M
month (e.g. 3)
- Mon
3 character month abbreviation with capital first letter (e.g. Dec)
- mon
3 character month abbreviation (e.g. dec)
- Month
month name in full, with capital first letter (e.g. December)
- month
month name in full (e.g. december)
The missing data directive can be combined with formatting directives. For example: {price:number('#.00')||N/A}