References data that has been stored in a global variable named 'temp'.
Temp is a global variable that you can put data into when you expand or grow a template using javascript. It is useful, for example, for placing summary values inside a template. One way to make this work is to create a function call in the template. You then define the javascript function to take a data, temp, and root argument. The data argument references the data that your template is based on so that you can assign variables to any of the existing data fields. The root argument can be used to retrieve information about a JSON array object, if one is present. You can manipulate any defined data and root variables in javascript to create 'temp' variables. The temp variables that you create can then be accessed inside the template using {[temp]}.
For example, in the Template Tester, say you have this set of JSON data inside an array named 'order'
[ { order:[ {cost: 12.50, firstname: 'James', lastname: 'Smith'}, {cost: 42.25, firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Jones'}, {cost: 30.00, firstname: 'Arnold', lastname: 'Rimmer'} ] } ]
In the template call a yet to be defined function named 'process'. Root commands are used around the function because our data is a JSON array object. The name 'order' is placed in front of the function call to tell the process function where it will get its data from. A closing {/order} required as well.
{*root} {order@process} {/order} {/*root}
On the Javascript tab we define the process function. This function takes three arguments, data, temp, and root. A loop inside the function goes over the data and retrieves the cost for each field. Each time the data is looped over the cost is added to the a total variable. A temp.average variable is then created that is equal to the total cost divided by the number of rows in the 'order' data. This temp file is then stored as a global variable.
function process(data,temp,root) { var total = 0; var _d = ''; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { _d = data[i]; total = total + _d.cost; } temp.average = (total / data.length); return data; }
Returning to the template, create a footer and inside it place the {[temp].average} variable that was defined.
{*root} {order@process} {*footer}The Average Cost is: {[temp].average}{/*footer} {/order} {/*root}
The result:
The Average Cost is: 28.25