Client Side Template
Loops over a JSON array and displays the element values.
The value placeholder, {[value]}, is a special placeholder to use when looping over arrays of values, rather than arrays of objects. For example, say you had this data set.
[ {name: 'John Smith', children:['Griffin','Callie']}, {name: 'Toby Mohan', children:['Kyle','Katy','Luke']} ]
In this case, the nested array is an array of values, not of objects. To emit the data in the array, the template must use the special {[value]} placeholder. For example:
{name}<br> <ul> {children} <li>{[value]}</li> {/children}<br> </ul>
The [value] field can be followed by formatting directives, just like any other field. For example: {[value]:number('$#,###.00')}