Control Methods
UX component methods for working with Data Controls, action sheets, buttons, ink, PDF Viewer, captchas, dropdown boxes, and more.
- activateControlContainer Method
If a control is inside a Tab or Accordion container, activates the pane in which the control in contained. This method will also activate the PanelCard in which the control has been placed.
- buttonClick Method
Executes the click event for a Button.
- frameOpenStateChange Method
Sets the open or closed state of a modern frame.
- getControl Method
Get a pointer to a control to call methods of an object, or set properties of an object.
- getDateValue Method
Get the valuel of a control in the UX Component as a JavaScript Date object.
- getPointer Method
Get a pointer to the DOM element for a UX component control.
- getValue Method
Get the value of a control in the UX Component.
- getValueDisplay Method
Get the value of a control in the UX Component.
- imageIsEmpty Method
Returns true if an image control is empty.
- inkIsEmpty Method
Returns true if an Ink control is empty.
- openLookup Method
Opens the lookup Grid for a particular field.
- pdfViewerLoad Method
Displays a PDF in the PDFViewer control.
- populateDropdownBox Method
Populates the choices in a Dropdownbox control.
- populateDropdownBoxRepeatingSection Method
Updates dropdown box choices.
- populateExpandingMenuControl Method
Populates an Expanding Menu control.
- populateMultiSelectTokensControl Method
Populates a Multi-select Tokens control with new data.
- refreshCaptcha Method
Refreshes the CAPTHA image for the specified control.
- refreshDropdownBoxChoices Method
Does an Ajax callback to recompute the choices in a DropdownBox and repopulates the choices in the DropbownBox for the specified controlName.
- refreshExpandingMenuData Method
Refreshes one or more Expanding Menu controls.
- refreshViewBoxData Method
Refreshes a ViewBox control.
- setControlDisplay Method
Show or hide a UX Control. Can also be used to show or hide a Tab or Accordion Pane.
- setDisabled Method
Set the state of a control to either enabled or disabled.
- setFocus Method
Sets focus to a specified control on the dialog.
- setValue Method
Set the value of a control in the UX Component.
- setValueFrom Method
Combines the .getValue() and .setValue() methods into a single method.
- signatureIsEmpty Method
Returns value indiciating whether or not the Signature control is empty.