Data Binding Methods
UX component methods for a submitting, resetting, and populating a data bound UX.
- _primaryKeyListSetKey Method
Sets the active row in the Primary key Control to the specified primary key value.
- deleteRecord Method
Deletes the current record in the 'primary' table. Applies only to a component that has been bound to one or more tables.
- getKey Method
Gets the primary key value for the specified table alias.
- newRecord Method
Changes the current 'mode' from editing an existing record to entering a new record.
- populateControlsFromTable Method
Populates the controls in a Dialog with data from a table.
- refreshPrimaryKeyList Method
Refreshes the list of primary keys that the UX component has retrieved from the server.
- setClean Method
Set the UX Component's data modified state to "clean".
- setDirty Method
Sets the UX component to be dirty.
- setKey Method
If the UX has been bound to tables, sets the primary key value for the specified table alias.
- sortPrimaryKeyList Method
Sort the entries in the List View after the user has edited a field.
See Also