General Methods
General methods for working with state information, embedded components, simulating online status, inspecting the application environment, and more.
- _getOnlineStatus Method
Returns true if the device has an internet connection. Returns false if there is no connection.
- _populateSourceComponent Method
Set the value of controls in the calling Grid or UX component to the value of the mapped controls in the current UX.
- _setSimulatedOnlineStatus Method
Allows you to simulate offline behavior of you component event when you have a connection.
- argumentValue Method
Get the value of an argument that was passed to the UX component.
- closeCurrentTabbedUIPane Method
If the Dialog was opened in a Tabbed UI Pane, closes the current pane in the Tabbed UI.
- customSetting Method
Get or Set the value of a custom setting.
- destroyChildComponent Method
Deletes a child UX component from memory.
- getChildObject Method
Returns a pointer to the child component.
- getConnectionType Method
Returns the type of connection the device has. (May not return reliable information if not running in a Cordova shell).
- getData Method
Gets the value of all of the controls in the UX Component in the form of a query string (name/value pairs).
- getParentObject Method
If this component is opened from a parent Grid or UX component, this returns a pointer to the parent object so you can execute methods on the parent object.
- getSessionVariable Method
Get the value of a session variable.
- getStateInfo Method
Get all of the state variable information for the UX component.
- getTopParentObject Method
Returns a pointer to the top most parent object.
- loadCSSFile Method
Loads CSS from a file.
- loadJavascriptFile Method
Loads an external JavaScript file.
- networkSpeedTest Method
Measures the network speed between the server and the device calling the method.
- onTimerEventStart Method
Causes the onTimer client-side event to start firing automatically every n seconds as specified by the interval (in milliseconds).
- onTimerEventStop Method
Turns off the onTimer event.
- refreshClientSideComputations Method
Force all client-side computations (calculated fields, show/hide expression, enable expression, etc) to be recomputed.
- resetForm Method
Resets all controls in the UX Component to their original value. Displays a confirmation prompt before resetting the controls. Pass in an optional parameter of false to suppress the prompt.
- runAction Method
Runs an action that was defined using the Action Script builder.
- serverIsAvailable Method
Tests if the Alpha Anywhere server is available. This is a more comprehensive test than simply testing if an Internet connection is available.
- setCSS Method
Adds CSS to the UX Component at run-time.
- setStateInfo Method
Allows you to store arbitrary data in the UX Component's 'state' object.
- submit Method
Submits the UX to the server.
- synchronizeEmbeddedUX Method
Synchronizes an embedded UX component.