{dialog.object}countRecordsToSynch Method
object = {dialog.object}.countRecordsToSynch(listId)
- listId
Identifies the list in the UX Component, in case you have more than one.
Returns an object with properties showing the number of records that have not yet been synchronized with the server.
The object returned from the {dialog.object}.countRecordsToSynch method has these properties:
- Property
- Description
- count
The count of all dirty records (edits, inserts and deletes.)
- updatedRecords
The number of records edited.
- newRecords
The number of records added.
- deletedRecords
The number of records deleted.
var o = {dialog.object}.countRecordsToSynch(listOrders); var message = o.count + " records to be synchronized.\n"; message = message + o.newRecords + " records were Added.\n"; message = message + o.updatedRecords + " records were Updated.\n"; message = message + o.deletedRecords + " records were Deleted.\n"; alert(message);
See Also