List Control Methods
UX component methods for working with List.
- _filterList Method
Performs a server-side query to filter and/or sort the data in a List that is based on a SQL, DBF, or custom data source.
- _getDirtyLists Method
Returns an array of the Lists that are dirty.
- _getListForDetailViewControl Method
Returns the name of the List control for the specified column name if the column is referenced in a Detail View.
- _hasDirtyLists Method
Returns true if any List on the UX is dirty.
- _isControlInDetailView Method
Returns true if the colName is inside the Detail View of any List on the UX.
- _listFetchMore Method
Gets the next 'page' of data in a List that has been configured to use 'Fetch More' pagination.
- _listFetchRecordsByKey Method
Appends records to the end of the list.
- _listGetElement Method
Gets a pointer to an individual control in a List row, allowing you to manipulate its properties using Javascript.
- _listMoveAllRows Method
Moves all rows from one List control to another List control.
- _listMoveCurrentSelection Method
Moves selected rows from one List control to another List control.
- _listNavigate Method
Navigates to the next/previous 'page' of data in a List that has been configured to use pagination. List must be configured as paginated.
- _listNavigateRecord Method
Navigates by record in the specified direction: first, previous, next, or last.
- _listNavigateToPage Method
Navigates to an explicit page number. (List must be configured as paginated.)
- _listRefreshCascadingLists Method
Refreshes the data in child List controls that are dependent on the data in this List control.
- _listRefreshRecordsByKey Method
Refreshes the data in the List for the specified records.
- _listRefreshRow Method
Refreshes the data in the current row of a List control.
- _listRemoveAllRows Method
Removes all rows from a List control.
- _listRemoveSelectedRows Method
Removes the currently selected row(s) from a List control.
- _listShiftPositionSelectedRows Method
Reorders the items in a List by shifting the selected rows in the specified direction.
- _refreshListData Method
Refreshes the data in a List control.
- computeSearchFromMetaDataAndFilterList Method
Performs a server-side query to filter/sort the data in a List based on a SQL data source.
- countRecordsToSynch Method
Returns an object with properties showing the number of records that have not yet been synchronized with the server.
- getListClientSideSummaryValue Method
If the List definition specified that client-side summary values should be computed for any of the fields in the list, retrieves the summary value.
- getListData Method
Gets a Javascript array (as an array of objects) with all of the data in the specified List control.
- getListServerSideSummaryValue Method
If the List definition specified that server-side summary values should be computed for any of the fields in the list, retrieves the summary value.
- listColumnSelector Method
Displays a pick-list of all columns in the currently active columnar List layout. Clicking items in the pick-list toggles a column's visibility.
- listGetValue Method
Get the value of a column in a List control.
- persistListColumnLayout Method
Persists the column layout for the specified List control.
- populateUXControls Method
Populates the Detail View controls for all Lists in a UX Component.
- refreshListData Method
Refreshes data in a List control.
- refreshListsIncremental Method
Perform an incremental refresh of all List controls in the UX Component.
- restoreListColumnLayout Method
Restores a previously saved column layout for the specified List control.
- saveListEdits Method
Synchronizes edits that have been made to the List (and any of its child Lists).
- setListColumnsAndPopulate Method
Dynamically sets the columns in a List and populates the List.
- setListTemplateAndPopulate Method
Dynamically sets the template for a freeform List control and populates the List with data.
- submitListDataAndMediaFiles Method
Submit edited rows in a List to a server, but first upload media files to the Alpha Anywhere server or to Amazon S3.
- synchronizeLists Method
Synchronizes all Lists. This method calls the [{dialog.object}.saveListEdits()] method for each List in the component.
See Also