Mobile Methods
JavaScript methods for working with Mobile applications distributed using Alpha Launch or as Cordova apps.
- _delayTillPhoneGapReady Method
Registers a function to call when Cordova is loaded and ready.
- _persistFS Method
Gets the file system URL of the directory in which the List data sub-directory is located.
- _updateAjaxURL Method
Updates the Ajax Callback URL for a Cordova application.
- addCustomSchemeForAlphaWkWebView Method
Adds a local URL prefix to a file URL so that it can be referenced in the source property for an image, video, audio, or other element in an iOS Cordova app using the WkWebView plugin.
- instantUpdateCheckForUpdate Method
Checks for updates for a Cordova app with Instant Update.
- instantUpdateRefresh Method
Checks for, downloads, and installs a new update for a Cordova application with Instant Update.
- instantUpdateUseAutoUpdate Method
Enables or disables automatically checking for updates in a Cordova app that includes Instant Update.
- phoneGapCopyFileURL Method
Copies a file from one location to another on the file system.
- phoneGapCreateDirectory Method
Create a directory in the file system of the mobile device.
- phoneGapCreateDirectoryRecurse Method
Create directories recursively in the file system of the mobile device.
- phoneGapCreateFile Method
Creates a file in the file system of the mobile device.
- phoneGapDeleteFile Method
Deletes a file in the file system of the mobile device.
- phoneGapDeleteFilesNotInListURL Method
Deletes files from a directory. If a filter is specified, only files that match the filter are deleted. If a 'keep list' is specified, files in the list are not deleted, even if they match the filter.
- phoneGapDeleteFileURL Method
Delete a file.
- phoneGapDownloadManifestFiles Method
Download files to a device.
- phoneGapEnsureDirPathURL Method
Ensures a directory structure exists within the specified root path. If the directories do not exist, they are created.
- phoneGapFileExists Method
Checks if a file exists in the file system of the mobile device.
- phoneGapFileExistsURL Method
Check if a file exists. If the file does exist, a callback function is called with the properties of the file (such as size, date last modified, etc.)
- phoneGapFilesAvailable Method
Checks whether or not the local file system is available in a Cordova application.
- phoneGapGetDirectory Method
Gets a list of files in a directory in the file system of the mobile device.
- phoneGapGetDirectoryRecurse Method
Gets a list of files in a directory in the file system of the mobile device.
- phoneGapGetLocalDirURL Method
Returns URL of base for the requested part of the file system.
- phoneGapListFilesRecurseURL Method
List files in a directory and in the sub-directories of the specified directory.
- phoneGapListFilesURL Method
Lists files in a directory. If a filter, defined with a regular expression, is specified, only files that match the filter are listed.
- phoneGapLoaded Method
Returns true if the UX component is running in a Cordova shell.
- phoneGapMoveFileURL Method
Move a file.
- phoneGapReadFile Method
Reads the contents of a text file in the file system of the mobile device.
- phoneGapReadFileURL Method
Reads a file.
- phoneGapRemoveDirectory Method
Deletes a directory in the file system of the mobile device.
- phoneGapRemoveDirectoryRecurse Method
Removes directories recursively in the file system of the mobile device.
- phoneGapRemoveDirectoryRecurseURL Method
Deletes the specified director and all of its contents, including other directories and their contents.
- phoneGapUnzipFiles Method
Unzip files on a mobile device built with Cordova.
- phoneGapWriteFileURL Method
Write to a file.
- setChannel Method
Sets the Instant Update channel in an mobile application published with Instant Updated enabled.
- stripCustomSchemeForAlphaWkWebView Method
Removes a custom scheme from a file URL.
See Also