{dialog.object}phoneGapEnsureDirPathURL Method
{dialog.object}.phoneGapEnsureDirPathURL(rootpath, dirStructure, onSuccess, onError);
- rootpath
The file URL of the existing directory that will contain the directories that are needed.
- dirStructure
The path of directories to ensure exists below the rootpath. The directories will be created if they do not exist.
- onSuccess
A javascript function that is called when the directory structure is verified to exist.
- onError
A javascript function that is called if an error occurs when trying to verify and/or create the specified directory structure.
Ensures a directory structure exists within the specified root path. If the directories do not exist, they are created.
var onSuccess = function() { alert("Directory and path exists."); }; var onError = function(e) { alert("An error occured"); }; var rootpath = {dialog.object}.phoneGapGetLocalDirURL('public'); var dirStructure = 'toplevel/subdir1'; {dialog.object}.phoneGapEnsureDirPathURL(rootpath, dirStructure, onSuccess, onError);