{dialog.object}phoneGapReadFileURL Method
{dialog.object}.phoneGapReadFileURL(filepath, onReadSuccess, onError, startAt, endAt);
- filepath
local file URL of the desired file. (Tip: Use the .phoneGapGetLocalDirURL() method to get the base path of the file)
- onReadSuccess
A javascript function that is called when the file read succeeds.
- onError
A javascript function that is called if an error occurs when trying to read the file.
- startAt
Defines where to start reading data from the file, if specified.
- endAt
Defines where to stop reading data from the file, if specified.
Reads a file.
var onReadSuccess = function(data) { alert("File read is a success"); }; var onReadError = function() { alert("There was an error trying to read the file"); }; var filepath = {dialog.object}.phoneGapGetLocalDirURL('temp') + 'myfile.txt'; {dialog.object}.phoneGapReadFileURL(filepath,onReadSuccess,onReadError);