{dialog.object}panelGetId Method
- panelName
The panel containing the part you want to query. This can be a Panel Card, Panel Layout, or Panel Navigator.
- panelPart
The part you want the ID from. Can be one of the following:
- Part
- Description
- header
The Panel Header
- body
The Panel Body
- footer
The Panel Footer
Gets the ID of the specified 'part' of a Panel.
The part can be 'header', 'body', or 'footer'. Getting the ID of a Panel part is useful if you want to set properties (such as the Inner HTML) of the Panel.
var panel = {dialog.object}.panelGetActive(); var id = {dialog.object}.panelGetId(panel,'body'); //use A5.u.element.setContent() rather than id.innerHTML = 'some new text' //so as not to destroy the drag scrolling behavior (if any) on the Panel Card A5.u.element.setContent(id,'some new text');
See Also