{dialog.object}getStripeResults Method
- resultError ObjectStripe Charges Object
Returns a Stripe Charges JSON object or an error. For information about the Stripe Charges JSON object the Stripe Charges Doc. For information about errors, see the Stripe Errors Doc.
Returns a Stripe charge JSON object or an error after a Stripe transaction has been performed using the Process Stripe Payment Action Javascript.
The {dialog.object}.getStripeResults() method can be used to fetch the Stripe Charges JSON object after a transaction is performed using the Process Stripe Payment Action Javascript. getStripeResults() will either return a Stripe Charges JSON object or an error. The example below demonstrates how to use JSON.stringify to see what properties are available in the object returned by getStripeResults().
var results = {dialog.object}.getStripeResults(); alert(JSON.stringify(results));
See the Process Stripe Payment Action Javascript for additional examples.
See Also