UX List Control Object Methods
Methods and properties available for interacting with a List Control object.
To get a list object, use the {dialog.object}.getControl method:
var listObj = {dialog.object}.getControl('LIST1');
Base Class Methods
The List Control object inherits methods and properties from the A5.ListBox Class. These methods are listed below. A large number of properties are available, as well. For a complete listing of properties, see the A5.ListBox Class documentation.
- appendRows Method
Append new data to the end of the list.
- destroy Method
Destroy the list. This method should be called before the list is removed from the DOM.
- focus Method
Give focus to the A5.ListBox.
- getColumnarHTML Method
Generate columnar HTML base off the current layout of the list.
- getData Method
Get the data for a given row in the list.
- getIndex Method
Get the indexes of row(s) in the list.
- indexFromElement Method
Get the index of the list row that contains the passed in element.
- indexFromEvent Method
Get the index of the list row an event occurred on.
- indexFromPoint Method
Get the index of the list row matching the passed in coordinates.
- indexVisible Method
Get the first and last indexes currently visible in the list.
- insertRows Method
Insert new data into the list.
- navigate Method
Navigate the list selection.
- populate Method
Populate the list with new data.
- refresh Method
Refresh the list.
- removeRows Method
Remove rows from the list.
- resize Method
Resize the list.
- scrollToItem Method
Scroll to a target row in the list.
- setColumnOrderImage Method
Set the sort icon on a given column.
- setDisabled Method
Disable or enable the list.
- setDisplay Method
Show or hide parts of the list. The list will automatically be resized if needed.
- setFilter Method
Filter the list data.
- setGroupCollapse Method
Set the collapse state of a group.
- setLayout Method
Change the currently used layout.
- setLock Method
Lock the list to prevent user interaction.
- setOrder Method
Order the rows in the list.
- setValue Method
Set the value in the list.
- updateLayout Method
Change the currently used layout.
- updateRow Method
Update a row in the list.
- valueInList Method
Check whether a value is rendered in the list.
Additional Methods & Properties
If a List has a Detail View or a Search Part, additional properties and methods may be available. These methods are dynamically added to the List Control at runtime.
- _restoreListStateboolean
Specifies whether or not a list's state should be restored from local storage. If set to false before a list is restored, the list's state will not be restored.
See the List onInitialize client-side event for more information.
- suspendPersistBoolean
Used to temporary suspend persisting List data to Local Storage or the File System. Only applies to Lists with Persist data to Local Storage (or Filesystem) enabled. See listObj.addTableRow Method for additional information.
- _clearServerSideErrors Method
Used internally. Clears error messages from the Detail View controls.
- _debugListData Method
Shows the contents of the data object for the current row in the List. You must have specified a placeholder for the debug information.
- _deleteOrphanMediaFiles Method
Deletes any orphan files that have been saved to the device file system.
- _deselectAll Method
Unselects all rows in the List control.
- _fetchMediaFiles Method
Scans the List for the names of any files on remote servers, and then fetches the files, stores them in the mobile device file system and then replaces the data in the List to change references to remote files to local files.
- _getControlsInDiv Method
Returns an array of all of the controls in the Detail View.
- _getListFieldFromControl Method
Takes the name of a Detail View control and returns the field name in the List that the control is mapped to.
- _getRoute Method
Returns an array of objects defining the currently selected rows for the List and all parent and child List controls.
- _hasClientSideError Method
Returns true if any control in the List Detail View has a client-side validation error.
- _logicalRow2PhysicalRow Method
Takes the logical row number (the value of the *key property in the data object - also the same as the row number in the data when it is loaded - before any client side sorting/filtering) and converts to a physical row number in the current sorted/filtered client side view of the data.
- _selectAll Method
Selects all rows in a List configured to allow multiple row selection.
- _setRoute Method
For use with Lists that contain hierarchical data. Sets the selected row on each List in the routeArray.
- _showServerSideErrors Method
Used internally. Paints error messages on the Detail View controls using information stored in the List data .serverSideErrors object.
- addTableRow Method
Adds a row of data to a List with a Detail View.
- addTableRowsBulk Method
Adds multiple rows to a List control.
- checkAllRows Method
Checks all of the rows in the List.
- clearAllColumnActionFilters Method
Clears all column filters for a list with Column Filter Actions enabled.
- clearSearchList Method
Removes any filter previously applied by submitting the Search Part.
- deleteRow Method
Marks the current row in the List as deleted. The row is not physically removed from the List until the data are synchronized. If the current row is a new record, then the row is immediately removed from the List.
- deselectAll Method
Deselects all rows in the List control.
- detailViewIsDirty Method
Returns true/false if the controls that show the Detail View are dirty or not.
- disableDetailView Method
Enable or disable all of the controls in the Detail View.
- editInplaceAddRow Method
Add a new row to a List with in-place editing.
- editInplaceCancel Method
Cancel edits to a row in an List with in-place editing.
- editInplaceCancelAll Method
Cancels all edits to the List with in-place editing.
- editInplaceEditAll Method
Puts all rows in edit mode in a List with in-place editing.
- editInplaceEditRow Method
Puts a single in edit mode in a List with in-place editing.
- editInplaceSaveAll Method
Saves all rows in edit mode in a List with in-place editing
- editInplaceSaveRow Method
Saves edits to a row in an List with in-place editing.
- fieldIsDirty Method
Returns true if the specified field is dirty. If the rowNumber is not passed in the currently selected row is used. For new records, the field is considered dirty if it is not blank.
- filterListClientSide Method
Performs a client-side search on the data in the List and displays all rows that have the searchFor value in any column in the List.
- getAllErrors Method
Returns all errors that occurred when synchronizing a List.
- getCheckedRows Method
Returns an array of row number (zero based) of rows that are checked.
- getCheckedValues Method
Returns an array of values for the rows that were checked.
- harvestListRow Method
Gets a JSON object of the data in the row. If row is an existing row, the object includes an _oldData object with the original values in the row. If the optional row number is not passed in, the current row is harvested.
- indexFromValue Method
Returns the zero-based row number for a given row 'value'. If the value is not found, -1 is returned.
- listFilterOnCheckedColumns Method
Filters a list on the checked rows in a List control with a checkbox select control column.
- listIsDirty Method
Returns whether or not the List has unsynchronized edits (is dirty.)
- listRowIsDirty Method
Returns true if the current row in the List is dirty. You can optionally specify a zero based row number.
- listRowIsNew Method
Returns true if the current row in the List is a new row. You can optionally specify a zero based row number.
- newDetailViewRecord Method
Sets all of the controls in the List Detail view to their 'new record' value and deselects the current row in the List.
- persistToStorage Method
Manually persists data in a List control to Local Storage or the device's File System.
- populateUXControls Method
Populates UX controls with data from the List. This method is internal - it is called automatically when the onSelect event fires if the List has a Detail View.
- queryByFormClearControls Method
Removes the search criteria from the Detail View form when the List is in 'search' mode.
- resetForm Method
Resets the Detail View controls for a List Control.
- resetRow Method
Resets a List row that has been edited to its original values. If the row has been marked as deleted, the row is restored to the List.
- rowExpander Method
Toggle display of a List item footer.
- scrollToClosestValue Method
Scrolls the closet record into view in the List.
- searchList Method
Submits the Search Part to search the List. You can specify if the search should be performed client-side, server-side or 'auto'.
- searchModeOff Method
If the List Search Part is set to 'QueryByForm' then turns search mode off.
- searchModeOn Method
If the List Search Part is set to 'QueryByForm' then turns search mode on.
- setCheckedRows Method
Takes an array or zero based row numbers and checks the specified rows.
- setCheckedValues Method
Takes an array of values and checks the rows with the specified values.
- setListSize Method
Sets the height and width of the List control.
- setOrder Method
Sort the List client-side.
- setRowClean Method
Sets the row state to clean. If row num is not specified, current row.
- setServerSideError Method
Used internally to put information about server side errors into the List's data object.
- setValue Method
Set the value of the List.
- showHideColumn Method
Show or hide a column in a List.
- twoStateImageSet Method
Sets the toggled state of a two-value image or the List's <Row Open/Close Indicator> icon.
- unCheckAllRows Method
Un-checks all rows in the List.
- updateListFromUXControls Method
Updates the data in the List with edits made in the List's Detail View controls.
- updateTableRow Method
Updates data in a row in a List that has a Detail View.
See Also