
mapControl.addMarker Method





The name of the marker that can be used to access it after it has been created.

If the name matches an existing marker, addMarker() will move the existing marker instead of adding a new one.

The marker location. Specified either as a string containing an address (e.g. "") or an array containing the latitude and longitude values (e.g. [,]).


A javascript object that contains the settings for the marker. See Creating Settings below.


Adds a marker to a Map Control.


//get a pointer to the map control for variable 'mymap1'
var mapObj = {dialog.object}.getControl('mymap1');
// create a marker

if (mapObj) {
    var markerName = 'myMarker1';
    var location = '70 Blanchard Road Burlington, MA';
    var settings = {
        draggable: true,
        title: 'Alpha Software',
        detail: {
            has: true,
            data: 'Alpha Software, Inc.<br />70 Blanchard Road<br />Burlington, MA 01803-5100'
        overlay: {
            has: true,
            data: '1mi',
            fill: {color: 'rgb(255,128,128)'},
            stroke: {color: 'rgb(255,128,128)', width: 1}
    mapObj.addMarker(markerName, location, settings);

The addMarker action is asynchronous. That means that if you have any code that comes after this action, that code will run before this action has completed. If you want code that comes after this action to run after this action has completed, you can specify an onAddComplete event handler in the settings object passed in to the method.

Creating Settings

Below is the full JSON markup for settings - none of these values are required:

 group: '', // group that the marker is part of - an arbitrary name
 icon: {
  url: '', // url of the image to use for the marker
  width: false, // width of the image
  height: false, // height of the image
  anchor: {x: false, y: false} // anchor point of the image (this is the point in the image that will be the lat/lng of the marker)
 title: '', // mouse over help text
 detail: {
  has: false, // whether or not the marker has a "detail". The "detail" is a popup that provides the user with more information when they click on the marker.
  data: '' //  the data to display to the user
 overlay: {
  has: false, // whether or not the marker has an "overlay". The "overlay" is a circle drawn on the map under the marker.
  value: '1mi', // the value to use for the size of the "overlay". This can be a string with the suffix "m", "km", "mi", or "ft" for radius, and "sq m", "sq km", "sq mi", "sq ft" for area.
  fill: {
   color: '', // color for the fill
   opacity: 1 // opacity of the fill - 0 is transparent and 1 is opaque.
  stroke: {
   color: '', // color for the stroke
   width: 1, // width of the stroke (in pixels)
   opacity: 1 // opacity of the stroke - 0 is transparent and 1 is opaque.
 draggable: false, // specify if the user can drag the marker on the map
 animation: false, // specify the animation for the marker - values can be: false, 'drop', and 'bounce'
 emphasize: false, // number of milliseconds to emphasize (bounce) the marker on creation

 The 'data' object is passed into all events. You can get the lat/lng of the event location from this object. For example
 var lat =;
 var lng = data.latLnd.lng();
 onClick: function(data){}, // function to call when the user clicks on the marker
 onDblClick: function(data){}, // function to call when the user double clicks on the marker
 onDrag: function(data){}, // function to call when the user is dragging the marker
 onDragEnd: function(data){}, // function to call when the user stops dragging the marker
 onDragStart: function(data){}, // function to call when the user starts to drag the marker
 onMouseDown: function(data){}, // function to call when the user mouses down on the marker
 onMouseOut: function(data){}, // function to call when the user mouses out of the marker
 onMouseOver: function(data){}, // function to call when the user mouses over the marker
 onMouseUp: function(data){}, // function to call when the user mouses up on the marker
 onRightClick: function(data){}, // function to call when the user right clicks on the marker
 onAddComplete: function(markerSettings,markerObject){} //function to call after the marker has been added to the map. 'this' context in function is the map control
