Panel Object Methods
Available methods for a Panel Object.
- Name
- Description
- panelObject.addPanel Method
Adds a panel to a Panel Navigator
- panelObject.getState Method
Get the state of the Panel Object.
- panelObject.hideDock Method
Hides all dockable panels in a Panel Layout.
- panelObject.setState Method
Restores the state of a Panel Object from a previously saved state.
To get a pointer to a panel, use the {dialog.object}.panelGet method:
var panelObj = {dialog.object}.panelGet('MYLAYOUTPANEL_1');
If a UX component uses panels, you can use the {dialog.object}.getPanelObject method to get a pointer to the panel object. This is useful if you wish to get or set panel state information in the UX component:
var panelObj = {dialog.object}.getPanelObject();
See Also