


C AdHocView([C table_set_name [,L readonly [,L show_table_set_selector ]]])



A non-null character string. Table_Set_Name must be fully qualified if it is not the primary table for the associated form. The ".dbf" file extension is automatically appended for tables. The ".set" extension is required for sets.


Logical. Optional. Default = .F. Determines whether to open a read-only ad hoc view. .T. = Open read-only, .F. = Do not open read-only.


Logical. Optional. Default = .T. If Read_Only is .F. (FALSE), determines whether the user can select a different table, .T. = Allow user to select other tables, .F. = Do not allow user to select other tables.


Displays two listboxes- available fields and selected fields - to generate an ad-hoc browse.

ADHOCVIEW() creates a temporary browse for the table or set defined by Table_Set_Name. If Table_Set_Name is NULL, the expression displays records from the first table that is found. If Read_Only is True, then Alpha Anywhere opens a read-only ad hoc view. If Show_Table_Set_Selector is False, then Alpha Anywhere does not allow the user to change the table or set for which the Ad Hoc View dialog was originally opened. If Read_Only is false and Show_Table_Set_Selector is true, then the user can optionally select a different table and use all of the features of the function to create an ad hoc browse or form.


adhocview("customer") -> opens the customer table in user editable mode
adhocview("customer", .T., .F.) -> opens the browse fixed to the customer table and read-only
adhocview("invoice.set") -> opens the invoice set in user editable mode
adhocview("invoice.set", .T.) -> opens the invoice set in read-only mode


Desktop applications only.

See Also