Browse Functions
Functions for working with browses.
- Name
- Description
- browse_style_define Function
redefine a browse style.
- a5_add_scr_to_favorites Function
Adds a script to the Favorites menu in the current form or browse layout
- a5_b_celllock_image_menu Function
Right click menu for a browse when user clicks on a locked cell (modal data entry) -- for case when cell IS an image
- a5_b_celllock_reg_menu Function
Right click menu for a browse when user clicks on a locked cell (modal data entry) -- for case when cell is NOT an image
- a5_browse_cell_edit Function
Browse right click menu when you right click on a cell and you are in Change or Enter mode.
- a5_browse_cell_lock_menu Function
Right click menu for a browse when user clicks on a locked cell (modal data entry, or an Image field)
- a5_browse_cell_view Function
Browse right click menu when you right click on a cell that is not locked and you are in View mode (not Change or Enter)a5_browse_cell_view
- a5_browse_column_menu Function
Right click menu for a browse when user clicks on a column selector
The A5_BROWSE_CREATE() function displays the New Browse dialog, which allows you to select the fields that will appear in the new browse. Sets the values of lNext and lFinish
- a5_browse_row_menu Function
Right click menu for a browse when user clicks on a row selector
- a5_browse_toolbar Function
Returns the system toolbar for Form View
- a5_browsedefaultdefinitionxml Function
Generates default browse definition as XML
- a5_browseeditor_toolbar Function
Returns the system toolbar for Form Editor
- a5_browseonxdialog_generateXbasic Function
Displays an Xdialog showing an embedded default browse for a table.
- a5_column_props_dialog Function
Called by browse layout editor to edit either column properties, or browse properties, depending on what has focus.
- a5_f_fldlock_reg_menu Function
Right click menu for a browse when user clicks on a locked cell (modal data entry) -- for case when cell is NOT an image
The A5_LAYOUT_DESIGN() function opens the specified layout in the appropriate editor.
- a5_modal_change_command Function
If a form or browse is set to Modal data entry, generates the 'Change Record' command. Otherwise null.
- a5_open_browse Function
Opens the a Browse layout for a table or set. If layoutname = "", use default layout.
The A5_OPEN_DEFAULT_BROWSE() function displays the default browse for the selected table or set.
- A5_open_EmbeddedBrowse_CompanionForm Function
Opens a modal form to edit/add records to a table shown in an embedded browse.
- ADHOCVIEW Function
Displays two listboxes- available fields and selected fields - to generate an ad-hoc browse.
Reports if editing is allowed for a particular session (the current session if ommited).
The BROWSE_OBJECTS_GET() function returns a list of the columns, object hierarchy, on a browse layout.
The CURRENT_HIGHLIGHTED_RECORDS() function returns the rows currently highlighted in a browse.
PREVIEW_BROWSE() creates the selected browse and then displays a preview of the browse.
PRINT_BROWSE() creates the selected browse and then displays the Print dialog box.