Control Functions
Functions and methods for controls
- Name
- Description
The A5_CONTROL_CHANGE_IMAGE() function displays a dialog that allows you to select an image file for an image reference field.
The A5_CONTROL_DELETE_IMAGE() function displays a dialog that allows you to confirm the deletion of an image file in an image reference field.
- a5_controlreferencecode Function
Generate Xbasic code for Alpha controls. (type = "propgrid", "propsheet", "wfspropsheet", or "progresslist")
- a5w_makecontrolid Function
Make a control ID
- Frame Control Methods
The Frame Control has the following methods. The frame control methods are used with a pointer to the control in the following way: .METHOD(). Refer to Retrieving a Pointer to a Control for techniques for getting a pointer.
- Hotspot Control Methods
The Hotspot Control has the following methods. The hotspot control methods are used with a pointer to the control in the following way: .METHOD(). Refer to Retrieving a Pointer to a Control for techniques for getting a pointer.
- Image Control Methods
The Image Control has the following methods. The image control methods are used with a pointer to the control in the following way: .METHOD(). Refer to Retrieving a Pointer to a Control for techniques for getting a pointer.
- Label Control Methods
The Label Control has the following methods. The label control methods are used with a pointer to the control in the following way: .METHOD(). Refer to Retrieving a Pointer to a Control for techniques for getting a pointer.
- ProgressAuto Function
Displays a wait dialog with a repeating progress bar. Execute progressPercent(100) to close.
- ProgressPercent Function
The ProgressPercent() function displays a static progress bar. It is up to the programmer to call it with different values. ProgressPercent(100) closes the progress bar.