Form Functions
Alpha Anywhere provides the following form functions.
- Name
- Description
- *when Function
For use in Form layouts to control when a calculated field gets recalculated. WHEN caches results for expensive functions - only updates when value of first argument changes - example - *WHEN(state,total(budget,grp->state_data)) , will recalculate the total only when 'state' changes.
- a5_basequery_to_filter Function
Converts a base filter to a query. End users cannot remove a form's base query, but they can remove a filter
- a5_context_pagedn Function
Called when user pressed PgDn in a form.
- a5_context_pageup Function
Called when user pressed PgUp in a form.
- a5_default_form Function
Creates the default form for a table or set using the default stylesheet and spacing settings.
- a5_form_cell_edit Function
Form right click menu when you right click on a cell and you are in Change or Enter mode.
- a5_form_cell_view Function
Form right click menu when you right click on a field that is not locked and you are in View mode (not Change or Enter)
- a5_form_create Function
Runs the New Form Genie
- a5_form_rclick_bckgrnd Function
This menu is displayed when you right click on a Form background (i.e. not on a field).
- a5_get_base_filter Function
Gets the base filter for the current Form/Browse.
- a5_get_base_order Function
Gets the base order for the current Form/Browse.
- a5_get_v4_startup_form Function
Returns the name of the startup form defined in V4 or before
- a5_ms_word_mailmerge Function
Opens the Mail-merge with MS Word dialog box from within a form or browse window
The A5_OPEN_DEFAULT_FORM() function displays the default form for the table or set.
- a5_open_form Function
Opens the a Form layout for a table or set. If layoutname = "", use default layout.
- A5_Structured_TabOrder Function
Redefine the tab order of objects in a form designer
Enumerate all stylesheets
- A5RunXbasicAfterClosingWindows Function
The A5RunXbasicAfterClosingWindows() function closes all open windows (and the tables behind them), runs Xbasic code, then restores the current window. This function is useful for performing <TBL>.PACK()operations that require exclusive access to a table.
Form Related Functions
BROWSE.LOAD() - Loads a browse window into memory, but does not display the window until the .SHOW() method is used. Allows you to manipulate data in the browse before displaying the browse.
BROWSE.VIEW() - Opens a browse window. All records in the table will be displayed unless the browse layout definition specifies a filter.
BROWSE.VIEWQUERIED() - Opens a browse window and applies an optional filter and order expression. Use this method when you want to restrict the records displayed in the browse.
A5_OPEN_DEFAULT_BROWSE() - Opens a browse window and applies an optional filter and order expression.
FORM.DIALOG() - A "quick and dirty" way to open a form as a modal dialog window. You can also open a form as a modal dialog by using the "dialog" keyword in the .VIEW()and .VIEWQUERIED() methods.
FORM.LOAD() - Loads a form window into memory, but does not display the window until the .SHOW() method is used. Allows you to manipulate data in the form before displaying the form.
FORM.VIEW() - Opens a form window. All records in the table will be displayed unless the form layout definition specifies a filter. Use the "dialog" keyword to open the form as a modal dialog box.
FORM.VIEWQUERIED() - Opens a form window and applies an optional filter and order expression. Use this method when you want to restrict the records displayed in the form. Use the "dialog" keyword to open the form as a modal dialog box.