- P
A pointer variable with information about the form just opened.
- Property
- Description
- .Style
Indicates the mode of the form. "Dialog" = the form was opened as a modal dialog. "Form" = the form was opened as a modeless dialog.
- .Pointer
A pointer to the form just opened. Note: If the 'dialog' option is used, the method does not return a pointer to the form (since the form is closed before the method returns).
- .Cancel
Indicates whether the Cancel button was pressed. "Yes" = the user selected the Cancel button at the prompt for the Layout name. "No" = the user did not press the Cancel button.
- layoutname
Optional. If Layout_Name is not specified, or if a NULL value is specified, Alpha Anywhere displays a list of forms for the target table. The name of an embedded browse.
- style
Optional. Default = "" (Modeless) "" = Opens a new instance of a form as a modeless dialog. "Dialog" = Opens form as a modal dialog. This will not observe the onactivate()event, and will not process the selected record in the OnInit()event. "Existing" = If the target form window is already open, then use that window. It will change the record shown in the existing window.
The FORM.ZOOM_TO_RECORD() method opens a form and displays the current record in an embedded browse.
Zooms to a form view of the current active record in an embedded browse. Style is "" for normal, "dialog", or "existing"
This script opens the form as a Dialog.
dim x as P x = topparent.zoom_to_record("customer_detail", "dialog")
Open same form, but a modeless Form.
topparent.zoom_to_record("customer_detail", "")
This script prompt for the form to open. It also prompts for the style (Dialog or Modeless). If the user chooses Dialog, then it is the responsibility of the script to close the dialog.
dim p as P p = topparent.zoom_to_record("", "Prompt")
Same as above, but do not prompt for style.
dim p as P p = topparent.zoom_to_record("","Dialog")
Desktop applications only.
See Also