Memo functions
Functions for working with memos.
- Name
- Description
- a5_generic_memo_viewer Function
Displays memos, rtf memos, bitmap, jpeg, or image file ref fields in the appropriate viewer
- A5_MEMO_EDITOR Function
Opens a text editor. Used to edit memos when user clicks the pencil icon. Returns 'lastbutton' and 'insertion_point'
- A5_MEMO_EDITOR2 Function
The A5_MEMO_EDITOR2() function displays the Memo Editor.
- a5_memo_editor_object Function
Called when user clicks the Pencil icon in Browse mode, and the browse is in view mode (i.e. the memo editor is not open for editing).
- convert_a5_to_a4 Function
Convert a5 data files to a4 format, flags: X- convert extended characters, M-convert memo files, D-DBT to FPT.
- convert_dbt_to_fpt Function
Convert memos for a file from DBT to FPT.
- convert_fpt_to_dbt Function
Convert memos for a file from FPT to DBT.