- Object_Type
This word can be any of the following:
- "Browse"
- "Form"
- "Label"
- "Letter"
- "Report"
- layoutname
The name of a form, browse, label, letter, or report layout.
- format
Optional. Default = native format. The options for Format are:
- Format
File Type
- "PDF"
Adobe Acrobat PDF Format
- "HTML"
Dynamic HTML
- "RTF"
Rich Text Format
- "TXT"
Plain Text Format
- filter
Optional. Default = all records. An expression that selects records.
- order
Optional. Default = record number order. An expression that orders selected records.
- email_client
Optional. Default = your default email client. Available options:
- "Default"
Your default email client.
- "A5"
Internal email client.
- _to
Optional. Comma delimited list of addresses.
- subject
Optional. Default = "See report: Layout_Name ". The subject of the message. If you want to completely suppress the subject, specify the subject as: " "
- message
Optional. Default = "".
- cc
Optional. Default = "". Comma delimited list of addresses.
- bcc
Optional. Default = "". Comma delimited list of addresses.
- printoptions
Optional. Default = NULL. You can override the default system settings on a permanent basis. When you override the system defaults, you settings are stored in a text file in the Alpha Anywhere program folder. These files are named:
- AlphaFivePrinterDriver_htm.PrintOptions
- AlphaFivePrinterDriver_pdf.PrintOptions
- AlphaFivePrinterDriver_rtf.PrintOptions
- For more information see print options and LAYOUT.SAVEAS().
- arguments
Optional. Default = NULL. Arguments that retrieve value(s) from variable(s) or prompts for value(s) at runtime. Only applicable to SQL Reports. Refer to SQL::Arguments Object.
- options
Optional. Default = NULL_VALUE(). Sets filter (WHERE) and order (ORDER BY) expressions for a query against a passive-linked table. A pointer dot variable with 2 elements. Refer to Using the Options Argument.
- .filter
Adds to the WHERE clause in the underlying SQL expression.
- .order
Replaces the ORDER BY clause in the underlying SQL expression.
Emails a layout as an attached file.
The <OBJECT>.SEND() method emails a layout as an attached file of type Format.
Email is sent using your default email client if Email_Client is blank. You can explicitly set the email client to "Default" or "A5" by setting Email_Client to "Default" or "A5".
Email a report in PDF format.
:report.Send("Invoice", "PDF")
This script sends a copy of the Invoice report with an argument. You can add as many arguments to the arguments collection as you want.
DIM myargs as SQL::arguments myargs.add("whatcity", "London") report.send("Invoice", "PDF", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", NULL_VALUE(), myargs)
Desktop applications only.
See Also