Miscellaneous Functions
Miscellaneous functions.
- Name
- Description
- a5_activate_phone Function
Opens a dialog for activating Alpha Anywhere by telephone
The A5_ADDIN_MANAGER() function displays the Addin Manager dialog box when a form or browse is open.
- a5_append_op_result Function
Displays the Append Records result dialog box
- a5_argumentsdialog Function
Display the arguments definition dialog
- a5_configure_update_chk Function
Displays the dialog box to configure automatic update checking
- a5_copy_op_result Function
Displays the Copy Records result dialog box
- a5_defaultbrowseonxdialog Function
Displays an Xdialog showing an embedded default browse for a table.
The A5_EDIT_SPEED_GLOSSARY() function displays the Speed Typing Glossary dialog box, which allows you to add, edit or delete entries.
- a5_export_op_result Function
Displays the Append Records result dialog box
- a5_fixxdialogpositions Function
Moves any Xdialogs that were saved with positions that are now off the primary display onto the primary display
The A5_GENERIC_PRINT() function prints the text in a text object in an Xdialog form using the default printer.
The A5_GENERICSEARCHREPLACE() function displays the Find/Replace/Goto dialog box for a text object on an Xdialog form.
- a5_genieheadinghtml Function
Allows you to create dialog boxes that look like Microsoft Wizard dialogs. Creates a white band with an image and text at the top that can be displayed in an embedded window on a parent dialog box.
- a5_get_toolbar_xdialog Function
Gets the Xdialog strings that are actually shown after pre-processing a saved toolbar. If type is "string", then pass in the toolbar string in the format it is stored in the dictionary.
- a5_global_search_scripts Function
Opens the Global Search Scripts/Udf dialog. If find_what = "", dialog defaults to last search value.
- a5_gridcomponentopeninwindow Function
Open a Grid component in an Xdialog window. Use op.base_filter, op.user_filter, op.link and op.argumentBindings to define a filter for the Grid. op.height and op.width define the window size.
- a5_imp_append_op_result Function
Displays the Import-Append Records result dialog box
- a5_is_find_by_key_open Function
Tests if the Find by key dialog is open
- a5_linktoolbar Function
Used in a MDI Xdialog to link the toolbar to the MDI xdialog window so that when a variable changes in one dialog it also changed in another.
- a5_mark_op_result Function
Displays the generic Mark Records result dialog box
The A5_OWNER_DRAW_LIST_FMT() function takes a CR-LF delimited list, on an Xdialog, and adds 'owner-draw' formatting command to the list. (See the Learning Xdialog book for information on 'owner-draw' formatting options).
- a5_paste_special Function
Displays the Paste Special Dialog (showing the contents of the A5 Record clipboard)
- a5_post_op_result Function
Displays the Post Records result dialog box
The A5_PROMPT_FOR_IMAGENAME() function displays the Insert Image dialog box.
- a5_request_activation Function
Display the Request and Activation Key dialog
- a5_selectwinusers Function
Dialog to select users from a windows machine or domain, type can be "user", "group", or "computer"
- a5_sendexportorprint_code Function
Displays a dialog to export, print or email code.
- a5_setamyuniprops Function
- a5_showpopuphelp Function
Popup help dialog.
- a5_update_op_result Function
Displays the Update Records result dialog box
- a5_wait_xdialog Function
Displays a modeless Xdialog telling user to wait. Xdialog title is returned so that calling code can close it.
- a5_xd_genie_listvcodeget Function
Generate code for the List View Genie
- a5_xd_genie_simplechartcodeget Function
Generate code for the SimpleChart Genie
- a5_xdialog_builder_genie Function
Display the xdialog genie
- a5_xdialog_font_override Function
Some Xdialogs will not render properly if the system font for Xdialog is not Tahoma,8. This function allows you to temporarily override the user's custom font setting.
- a5_xdialog_preprocess Function
Used to pre-process Xdialog Body strings that contain macro commands. e.g. {Hyperlink}. Also removes commented lines (lines that have a ' in column 1)
- A5_XdialogPreProcess Function
The A5_XdialogPreProcess() function is used to pre-process an Xdialog body string. It replaces labels that have the format ##label!helptopic~~ with the appropriate Xdialog code.
- a5_zip_db_dialog Function
Opens the Zip Database dialog box
- ShowDiff Function
Compares two files or variables containing character data and displays the differences.
- TextToSpeech Function
Converts text to speech using the .NET Framework
- UI_WAIT_UNTIL Function
The UI_WAIT_UNTIL()pauses a script until UI_MODELESS_DLG_EXIST() returns .T. (TRUE) or .F. (FALSE). Use this function when the testing if some UI component is present.
- Xdialog_Play Function
The Xdialog_Play() function displays a XDialog box that was previously defined using the Xdialog Genie.