- help_filename
The name of the Alpha Anywhere help file. If you specify a Help_Filename that does not exist, Alpha Anywhere will create it for you.
- help_topic
Optional. Default = Help file index. The chapter and topic in the help file, separated by a colon. For example, " Invoice Form:Lastname " indicates the "Invoice Form" chapter and the "Lastname" topic within that chapter. Character
- type
Optional. Default = "Index_Entry". "Index_Entry" = Help_Topic is interpreted as an index entry. "toc" = Help_Topic is interpreted as an entry in the table of contents.
WINHELP_SHOW() displays a topic in a standard Windows help (.hlp) file. Help_Filename is the fully qualified help file name. Help_Topic is the name of the topic (index entry) in the help file to display.
The following commands display a topic in a help file.
help_filename = :a5.get_path() + "\invoice.hlp" help_topic = "invoice" winhelp_show(help_filename,help_topic) winhelp_show("c:\program files\a5v6\alphafivehelp.chm","Expression Builder")
The following commands display the index in a help file.
help_filename = :a5.get_path() + "\invoice.hlp" winhelp_show(help_filename)
Desktop applications only.
See Also