Help Functions for Desktop
Help functions for desktop applications.
- Name
- Description
The A5_DISPLAYHELPTOPIC() function attempts to retrieve the selected topic from either the local compiled help file (.CHM format) stored in the Alpha Anywhere program directory or from the webhelp located at Help_Project. The choice is made by the user setting specified under Help > Help Source. Source is .chm or Web depending on help preference
- A5_FileFindFormat_Help Function
The A5_FileFindFormat_Help() function displays the FileFind Format Codes dialog box and returns the user's selections.
HELP_FILE_EDIT() allows you to edit or create a topic in an Alpha Anywhere help system help file. See HELP_FILE_VIEW()for more information on the Alpha Anywhere help system. If editmode is .T. the edit buttons will be enabled.
HELP_FILE_VIEW() displays a topic from the Alpha Anywhere help system.
- UI_DLG_HELP Function
The UI_DLG_HELP() function displays a help topic for the current dialog.
WINHELP_SHOW() displays a topic in a standard Windows help (.hlp) file. Help_Filename is the fully qualified help file name. Help_Topic is the name of the topic (index entry) in the help file to display.