Insert Menu Functions
- Break
- NonR11;breaking Space
- Horizontal Line
- Comment
- Symbol
- Form
- Image
- Bookmark
- Hyperlink
- ASW Code
- Web Component
- ActiveX Control
- Inserting a Comment
- Inserting a Hyperlink
- Inserting an Image
- Inserting Forms
- Form
- Textbox
- Text Area
- File Upload
- File Upload
- Checkbox
- Radio Button
- Drop-down List
- Submit Button
- Push Button
- Advanced Button
- Picture
- Inserting an ActiveX Control
- Inserting A5W Code
- Inserting and Deleting Web Components
Here are Insert Menu functions available in Alpha Anywhere:
Inserts an HTML command at the cursor location.
NonR11;breaking Space
Inserts an HTML command at the cursor location.
Horizontal Line
Inserts an HTML command at the cursor location..
Displays the Insert Comment dialog. The dialog inserts the text that you type at the cursor location. The text is surrounded by HTML commands.
Displays the ASCII Codes dialog. The dialog inserts the selected character at the cursor location.
Inserts a form element at the cursor location. The options are:
Text Area
File Upload
Radio Button
Drop-down List
Submit Button
Push Button
Advanced Button
Displays the Select Image dialog. The dialog inserts the selected image with the following HTML code:
img src="Image_Name""
Displays the Bookmark dialog. The dialog inserts the bookmark name with the following HTML code:
<a name="Bookmark_Name"></a>
Displays the Hyperlink dialog. The dialog inserts the hyperlink URL and its description with the following HTML code: URL_Description .
<a href="URL"></a>
ASW Code
Displays the Insert ASW Code dialog. The dialog inserts the Xbasic code with the following syntax:
<%a5 Xbasic_Code%>
Web Component
Displays the Insert Component dialog. The command is only available on the WYSIWYG tab after the page has been saved at least once.
ActiveX Control
Displays the Insert ActiveX Control dialog. The dialog inserts the selected ActiveX control wrapped the following HTML code: . Note that most ActiveX controls have additional parameter values that need to be set before they are functional.
Inserting a Comment
To insert a comment:
Position the cursor where the comment should be placed (not between the "<" and ">" of a formatting tag).
Select Insert > Comment.
Type your comment and click OK.
Inserting a Hyperlink
To insert a hyperlink:
Select Insert > Hyperlink to display the Hyperlink dialog.
Select the Type of protocol to use.
Enter the URL.
Click OK to apply your selections or Cancel to discard them.
Inserting an Image
To insert an image:
Position your cursor at the point where the image should be inserted.
Select Insert > Image to display the Select Image dialog.
Click OK to apply your selection.
Inserting Forms
To insert a form into your HTML page:
Display the WYSIWYG tab of your HTML Editor window.
Place your cursor at the insert point.
Select Insert > Form and select the type of control to place inside the form. The options are:
File Upload
Check box
Radio Button
Drop Down List
Submit Button
Push Button
Advanced Button
The entries you see above produce the following HTML code.
<FORM method="post"><INPUT type="submit" value="Submit"><INPUT type="reset" value="Reset"></FORM>
<FORM method="post"><INPUT id="textbox1" name="textbox1" ></FORM>
Text Area
<FORM method="post"><TEXTAREA id=textarea1 name=textarea1></TEXTAREA></FORM>
File Upload
<FORM method="post"><TEXTAREA id=textarea1 name=textarea1></TEXTAREA></FORM>
File Upload
<FORM method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><INPUT type="file" name="upload1" id="upload1"><BR ><INPUT type="submit" name="upload1Submit" value="Upload File"></FORM>
<FORM method="post"><INPUT type="checkbox" id="checkbox1" name="checkbox1" value=".t."></FORM>
Radio Button
<FORM method="post"><INPUT type="radio" id="radio1" name="radio1" value=".t."></FORM>
Drop-down List
<FORM method="post"><SELECT id="dropdown1" name="dropdown1"></SELECT></FORM>
Submit Button
<FORM method="post"><INPUT type="submit" id="submit1" name="submit1" value="Submit Query"></FORM>
Push Button
<FORM method="post"><INPUT type="button" id="button1" name="button1"></FORM>
Advanced Button
<FORM method="post"><BUTTON id="button_adv1" name="button_adv1"></BUTTON></FORM>
<FORM method="post"><INPUT type="image" id="image1" name="image1" src="</span> <span class=Argument>Image_Name</span> <span class=HTML1>"></FORM>
Inserting an ActiveX Control
To insert an ActiveX control into a HTML or .A5W page.
Position the cursor in the HTML file.
Select Insert > ActiveX Control to display the Insert ActiveX Control dialog.
Select a control and click Insert.
If necessary, define properties for the control.
Click OK.
Inserting A5W Code
A5W code is embedded Xbasic code that connects an HTML page to Alpha Anywhere, enabling the display and modification of data. To insert A5W code:
Display the Source tab of your HTML Editor window.
Position the cursor at the code insertion point.
or select Insert > A5W Code to display the Insert A5W Code dialog.
Enter the Xbasic code and press OK.
The Xbasic code above was formatted as follows.
Inserting and Deleting Web Components
For information about inserting and deleting web components into and from HTML pages (which must be saved now with the .A5W extension), refer to Building ASW Web Pages.
Web publishing applications only.
See Also