View Menu Functions
Here are view menu functions available in Alpha Anywhere:
Displays the Interactive tab of the Xbasic Code Editor.
Show Tags
Hides and displays symbols in the WYSIWYG tab that indicate the locations of HTML codes and Xbasic code strings embedded within <%a5 ... %> tags.
Show Borders
Hides and displays table cell borders.
Code Library
Hides and displays the following toolbars.
Standard - commonly used file and editing functions
Formatting - text formatting functions
Forms - functions that insert various HTML form elements
Tables - commonly used table editing functions
Custom - user defined functions
Trace Window
Opens the Trace dialog, which allows you to record object events.
Code Editor
Opens the Xbasic Code Editor.
OLE Automation Browser
Displays the OLE Automation Object Browser.
Status Bar
Hides and displays the Status Bar.
Window Bar
Hides and displays the Window Bar.
Using the Code Library
To insert code from your Code Library :
Display the Source tab of your HTML Editor window.
Position the cursor at the code insertion point.
Select the library from the list box at top.
Scroll down to the library entry you want to use and double-click.
Web publishing applications only.
See Also