SYS_ID_ENUM Function
Window_List as C = SYS_ID_ENUM()
Return a list of top level windows.
SYS_ID_ENUM() creates a CR-LF delimited character string that lists the windows currently available on your system.
sys_id_enum() -> Start Menu Norton AntiVirus NetDDE Agent Alpha Anywhere - [Code Editor] Positioning . . .
The following example tests to see if the Alpha Anywhere application is already open and prevents a second copy from being run.
dim list as C dim recs as N dim opens as N dim win_name as C list = upper(Sys_id_enum() ) recs = occurs(crlf() , list) + 1 dim progs[recs] as C win_name = a5.window_title n = lenwin_name? opens = 0 progs.initialize(list) for i = 1 to recs if left(alltrim(progs[i]), n) = win_name ui_msg_box("", "" + progs[i]) opens = opens + 1 end if next if (opens > 1) then ui_msg_box("Error", alltrim(win_name) + " Program already open. ", UI_STOP_SYMBOL) sys_focus_put(win_name) a5.close() end if
Desktop applications only.
See Also