UI_YIELD Function
Let windows process messages.
Use UI_YIELD() in fast running loops to provide Alpha Anywhere with time to refresh the screen display. Note : XBASIC_WAIT_FOR_IDLE() waits for the main loop to idle. The main loop is the entire Alpha Anywhere application. For example, if there are any messages that need to be processed (such as a screen repaint), the Xbasic script will wait until those messages have been processed. So for example, this will allow a screen repaint, a focus change, initializing of menus and toolbars on a form open, etc. to happen before your Xbasic script continues. UI_YIELD() is similar to XBASIC_WAIT_FOR_IDLE() , but just allows pending screen repaints to happen. It does not allow other messages (such as form activate, deactivate, change of focus etc) in the message queue to happen.
Desktop applications only.
See Also