UI_GET_CHECK2 Function
- Selections
A CR-LF delimited list of the user's selections.
- title
- selected
A CR-LF list of the default selections.
- choices
A CR-LF delimited list of choices to display.
- headingText
Optional. Default = "". The dialog title.
- hasSelectAllLink
Optional. Default = .T. . When the value it .T., the Select_All button appears.
- hasUnselectAllLink
Optional. Default = .T. . When the value it .T., the Un-Select_All button appears.
- hasWildcardSelectLink
Optional. Default = .T. . When the value it .T., the Wildcard Select button appears.
- width
Optional. Default = 80. The width of the dialog in characters.
- height
Optional. Default = 25. The height of the dialog in lines.
- flagReturnValuesInSelectionOrder
Optional. Default = .F. .T. = Return selections in selection order. .F. = Return selection in choice list order.
- scrollingMode
- resizeable
Dislay a multi-column list of choices, allowing a user to select entries by checking entries.
The UI_GET_CHECK2() function displays a list of check boxes. If necessary, the display will be multi-column.
This example displays a single column of check boxes.
? ui_get_check2("Multi-column list of choices", "blue", choices, "Heading text", .t., .t., .t., 25, 7, .t.) = green blue
This example displays a single column of check boxes.
ui_get_check2("Multi-column list of choices", defaults, choices, "Heading text", .t., .t., .t., 50, 6, .t.)
Desktop applications only.
See Also