UI_GET_LIST3P Function
Answer as P = ui_get_list3P(C title ,C default_selection ,C choices )
- Answer
A dot variable with two elements.
- .LastButton = Last button clicked.
- .Selection = A CR-LF delimited list of user selections.
- title
The title of the dialog box.
- default_selection
The initial user selection.
- choices
A CR-LF delimited list of choices.
Displays a listbox-checkbox. User can select multiple items. Items are returned in the same order in which they are selected. Same as ui_get_list3(), but returns two properties: .lastbutton and .selection
The UI_GET_LIST3P() function displays a check box - list box that allows the user to make multiple selections.
dim choices as C choices = <<%a% one two three four five %a% ? ui_get_list3p("Select One or More Choices", "three", choices) = lastbutton = "OK" selection = three four
Desktop applications only.
See Also