- title
The title of the dialog box.
- default_choice
Determines which radio button is selected when the dialog box first appears. This parameter is a numeric value indicating which choice (from 1 to 8) is to be selected. For example, if the Default Number is 2, the second radio button is selected when the dialog box appears.
- choice1
The label for the first radio button.
- choice
Optional. Labels for up to seven additional radio buttons.
UI_GET_RADIO() creates and displays a dialog box containing between 1 and 8 radio buttons. Your response is returned as a Result_String that contains the text of the button that you chose when you clicked the dialog box's OK button. This function is useful for obtaining an answer to a multiple choice condition.
For example, a dialog box with four radio buttons can be displayed with the following statement:
ui_get_radio("Four Radio Buttons", 2, "One", "Two", "Three", "Four")
The Result_String will be empty ("") if the Cancel button is selected. Present a list of choices as radio buttons. Only one choice can be selected.
choice = UI_GET_radio("Choose Color",1,"Navy","Wine","Turquoise", "Black","Bone")
If user presses Cancel, end the script.
if choice = "" then end end if trace.writeln(choice)
Desktop applications only.
See Also