{EMBEDDED= [ %S% ] Width, Height : Dialog_Name }
- Width
Numeric. The width of the control in characters, by default based on the default font: Arial 8.
- Height
Numeric. The height of the control in lines, by default based on the default font: Arial 8.
- Dialog_Name
Character. The name of the modeless dialog to embed.
The {EMBEDDED} command embeds a modeless dialog into another modeless dialog.
ui_modeless_dlg_box("ParentDialog",<<%dlg% {startup=init} {frame=1,1} {embedded=40,20:ChildDialog}; {lf}; {sp}; <close> %dlg%,<<%code% if a_dlg_button = "Hello" then ui_dlg_event("ChildDialog","Hello",.t.) ui_msg_box("","Another message from the parent dialog") end if if a_dlg_button = "init" then a_dlg_button = "" show_embedded(local_variables()) end if if a_dlg_button = "close" then ui_modeless_dlg_close("ParentDialog") end if %code%) function show_embedded as v (vars as P) with vars ui_modeless_dlg_box("ChildDialog",<<%dlg% {wrap=40} This is an embedded dialog box that responds to the Hello event sent to it from its parent.; {lf}; Name: [.20name];<Hello!Hello>; {lf}; Enter a name into the Name field and click this button. After 2 seconds, the "Hello" dialog box will appear.; {lf}; ; %dlg%,<<%code% if a_dlg_button = "Hello" then sleep(2) ui_msg_box("","Hello: " + name) end if %code%) end with end function
Desktop applications only
See Also