The {NEVERGAINFOCUS} prevents an Xdialog from being given focus automatically when it is instantiated. The user can still click on controls in the Xdialog and give them focus.
ui_dlg_box("Test",<<%dlg% {wrap=100} Name: [.20name]; Click 'Show Embedded1' to display. Note that focus stays on the button you just pressed because the embedded dialog has the \{nevergainfocus} command.; {embedded=30,10:window1}; Click 'Show Embedded2' to display. Note that focus goes to the first control in the embedded dialog.; {embedded=30,10:window2}; %dlg%,<<%code% if a_dlg_button = "show1" then show_embedded1() a_dlg_button = "" end if if a_dlg_button = "show2" then show_embedded2() a_dlg_button = "" end if %code%) function show_embedded1 as v () ui_modeless_dlg_box("window1",<<%dlg% {nevergainfocus} This is the embedded Dialog 1:; {line=1,0}; Address: [.20address]; %dlg%,<<%code% 1=1 %code%) end function function show_embedded2 as v () ui_modeless_dlg_box("window2",<<%dlg% This is the embedded Dialog 2:; {line=1,0}; Address: [.20address]; %dlg%,<<%code% 1=1 %code%) end function
Desktop applications only
See Also