- %Directives%
Character. Refer to Xdialog Language Directives and Operators.
- Width
Numeric. An integer value for the maximum number of characters to display on one line. The actual number displayed may be less because of word wrap.
- Height
Numeric. Optional. Default = 1. The number of rows to display. This may be a fractional number, such as 1.25.
- Text_Variable
Character. The name of character variable containing the text to display.
- Enabled
Logical. Optional. See Enabled Syntax.
Displays text from a character variable.
The {TEXT} command displays text from a character variable. One or more {text=text_specification} statements may appear inside the Format section of a UI_DLG_BOX() function.
This example shows what happens when the text is defined to be 40 characters wide, but no Row count is provided.
content = "Alpha Anywhere contains a powerful programming language called Xbasic. Xdialog is an extension of Xbasic that allows you to create dialog boxes." ui_dlg_box("Disclaimer",<<%dlg% {font=arial,10} {text=40,5content}; <&Agree> <&Disagree> %dlg%)
The following example displays 5 rows of text.
content = "Alpha Anywhere contains a powerful programming language called Xbasic. Xdialog is an extension of Xbasic that allows you to create dialog boxes." ui_dlg_box("Disclaimer",<<%dlg% {font=arial,10} {text=%H=R%40,5content}; <&Agree> <&Disagree> %dlg%)
The ampersand "&" is used for hot keys. To display an ampersand you must use a double ampersand.
mytext="peter && paul" ui_dlg_box(mytext,<<%dlg% {text=30,1mytext}; ; %dlg%)
Desktop applications only
See Also