Button O Directive {@@} Operator




The {@@} operator is used in a Button's owner draw (O) directive to specify that the button text contains embedded formatting commands.


dlg_title = "Anchor Buttons"
buttons1 = "{A=1}Sub-Button1{T=1.5}{A=2}Sub-Button2{T=3}{A=3}Sub-Button3"
buttons2 = "{C=Black}{B=Win3D}"+buttons1
highlight = "{C=Black}{B=Win3D}"
buttons3 = highlight + "{A=1}Sub-Button1{T=1.5}{A=2}Sub-Button2{T=3}{A=3}Sub-Button3"
Anchor buttons are useful when you want to accurately position buttons on a dialog using owner draw strings with tab stops. For example, to position buttons over columns in an owner draw list box.;
This button does not specify background color and font color in the owner draw string. as a result, when the mouse is over the button, all of the logical "sub-buttons" are highlighted -- not the effect you would want.;
Button 1:;
Button 2:;
This button uses an owner draw string that includes a specification for the font color and background color. as a result, when the mouse is over the button, none of the logical "sub-buttons" are highlighted -- closer to the effect you might want, but still not perfect.;
Button 3:;
This button changes the owner draw string dynamically to indicate which "sub-button" the mouse is over. The key to this button is the ui_dlg_control_anchor_from_pos\() function which returns the current anchor under the mouse. We constantly watch the result of this function by setting up a watch event called "mouse_moved". ;
if a_dlg_button = "button1" then
    anchor = ui_dlg_control_anchor_from_pos(dlg_title)
    ui_msg_box("Note","You just clicked on sub-button " + anchor + " in Button 1")
    a_dlg_button = ""
end if
if a_dlg_button = "button2" then
    anchor = ui_dlg_control_anchor_from_pos(dlg_title)
    ui_msg_box("Note","You just clicked on sub-button " + anchor + " in Button 2")
    a_dlg_button = ""
end if
if a_dlg_button = "button3" then
    anchor = ui_dlg_control_anchor_from_pos(dlg_title)
    ui_msg_box("Note","You just clicked on sub-button " + anchor + " in Button 3")
    a_dlg_button = ""
end if
if a_dlg_button = "mouse_move" then
    current_anchor = ui_dlg_control_anchor_from_pos(dlg_title)
    a_dlg_button = ""
    if current_anchor = "1" then
        buttons3 = highlight + "{A=1}{F=Arial,8,U}Sub-Button1{F=Arial,8}{T=1.5}{A=2}Sub-Button2{T=3}{A=3}Sub-Button3"
    else if current_anchor = "2" then
        buttons3 = highlight + "{A=1}Sub-Button1{T=1.5}{A=2}{F=Arial,8,U}Sub-Button2{T=3}{F=Arial,8}{A=3}Sub-Button3"
    else if current_anchor = "3" then
        buttons3 = highlight + "{A=1}Sub-Button1{T=1.5}{A=2}Sub-Button2{T=3}{A=3}{F=Arial,8,U}Sub-Button3"
        buttons3 = highlight + "{A=1}Sub-Button1{T=1.5}{A=2}Sub-Button2{T=3}{A=3}Sub-Button3"
    end if
end if

See Also