RTF N Directive
% N %
The N directive displays formatted editable text in scrollable window.
The RTF R and S directives override the N directive.
dim text as C dim varC_result as C textvar=<<%str% Alpha Anywhere can create multiple lines of static text. This will show you how. %str% r = rtf.create("") r.set_font("Arial, 14", "Blue") r.insert(textvar, 1) text=r.rtf_text ok_button_label = "&OK" cancel_button_label = "E&xit" varC_result = ui_dlg_box("test",<<%dlg% {font=Arial,14} {units=f} {region} {lf}; {rtf=%s%60,4text} {endregion}; {font=Arial,10} {line=1,0}; {region} <*15=ok_button_label!OK?> <15=cancel_button_label!CANCEL> {endregion}; %dlg%)
See Also