Color Definition Control Syntax
[%P=A5_COLOR_PICKER( [ Mode, [ Default_Color ]] %. Width New_Color ]
- Mode
Optional. Character. Defines the format of the Default_Color value. Allowable values are "RGB" or "HEX".
- Default_Color
Optional. Character. The default color in RGB ("n1,n2,n3") or hexadecimal ("A1,B2,C3") formats.
- Width
Numeric. The width of the control.
- New_Color
Character. The selected color name
This syntax produces a color picker that displays the Alpha Anywhere color palette and returns a color name.
You must not have any space characters in the finished command.
dim default_color as C dim new_color as C default_color="7F,7F,7F" ui_dlg_box("Title",<<%dlg% [%P=a5_color_picker("HEX",default_color)%.20new_color]; %dlg%) ui_msg_box("",""+new_color)
See Also