Static Text O Directive {C} Operator
{C ={ Fore_Color [, Selected_Fore_Color [, Disabled_Fore_Color ]]}
- Fore_Color
Character. The foreground color.
- Selected_Fore_Color
Character. The foreground color of a selected list box item.
- Disabled_Fore_Color
Character. The foreground color of a disabled list box item.
The {C} operator is used in the static text owner draw (O) directive to specify foreground colors.
flag = .t. ui_dlg_box("Colored Text",<<%dlg% Below is an example of 'owner draw' static text; {lf}; {'%O={F=Arial,18,B}{B=Blue White,Yellow,Win3D}{C=Dark Blue}{I:'a5_attachments32'} Alpha Anywhere Can Do Colored Static Text%?flag}; {lf}; {lf}; This is an Example of how static text can be enabled and disabled:; {lf}; {'Check or clear the box to enable or disable me?flag}; (flag) Enable/Disable text; %dlg%)
See Also