UI_DLG_EVAL Function
- Return_Value
The result of evaluating the Expression.
- title
The Title of the modeless Xdialog box.
- expr
Any expression that can be evaluated in the context of the Xdialog.
Return the result of an expression evaluated in the context of an Xdialog.
The UI_DLG_EVAL() function evaluates an expression in the context of a modeless Xdialog box. The function is useful for going beyond what UI_DLG_EVENT() can offer, since there is no requirement that an event handler be coded.
put description here
dim x as N = 1 ui_modeless_dlg_box("Test",<<%dlg% ; [.20x]; ; <Close> <Increment>; ; %dlg%,<<%code% if (a_dlg_button = "Close") then ui_modeless_dlg_close("Test") end if if (a_dlg_button = "Increment") then a_dlg_button = "" x = x + 1 end if %code%)
This statement run in the Interactive window returns the current value of x as defined above.
? ui_dlg_eval("Test", "x") = 4
Define and run a script.
fname = "Fred" lname = "Flintstone" ui_modeless_dlg_box("Me","<&Close>",<<%code% if a_dlg_button = "&Close" then a_dlg_button = "" ui_modeless_dlg_close("Me") end if %code%) function one as C() one = "I am the one" end function
Go to the Interactive window. You can now execute arbitrary expressions in the Xdialog's context..
? ui_dlg_eval("Me","One()") = "I am the one" ? ui_dlg_eval("Me","fname") = "Fred" ? ui_dlg_eval("Me","local_variables()") = fname = "Fred" lname = "Flintstone"
Desktop applications only.
See Also