Parent_Name as C = UI_DLG_PARENT_GET(C title)
- Parent_Name
The name of the calling (parent) dialog.
- title
The name of the called (child) dialog.
Return the name of dialogs parent (if the named dialog has a parent).
The UI_DLG_PARENT_GET()returns the name of the calling dialog. This function is useful when an embedded dialog needs to know the name of the dialog that caused it to appear.
One case when a dialog needs to know the name of the calling dialog is when you create a generalized function for displaying dialogs. The function showEmbeddedDialog() has the ability to provide event calls to its parent because UI_DLG_PARENT_GET()provides the parent's name.
ui_dlg_box("Test",<<%dlg% {startup=init} {embedded=80,10window1} %dlg%,<<%code% if a_dlg_button = "init" then a_dlg_button = "" showEmbeddedDialog("window1") end if if a_dlg_button = "EmbeddedDialogCallback" a_dlg_button = "" ui_msg_box("Notice","This event was fired by a button on the embedded dialog") end if %code%) '-------------------------------------------------------------- function showEmbeddedDialog as v (title as c) ui_modeless_dlg_box(title,<<%dlg% This is the embedded dialog; %dlg%,<<%code% if a_dlg_button = "callbackEvent" then a_dlg_button = "" dim dlg_parent as c dlg_parent = ui_dlg_parent_get(title) if dlg_parent <> "" then ui_dlg_event(dlg_parent,"embeddeddialogcallback") else ui_msg_box("","I am not an embedded dialog") end if end if if a_dlg_button = "close" then dlg_parent = ui_dlg_parent_get(title) if dlg_parent <> "" then ui_msg_box("Error","You can't close an embedded dialog. You must close its parent.") else ui_modeless_dlg_close(title) end if end if %code%) end function
See Also