<%A5 ? ... %>
<%A5 [ ? ] ... Character_Data ... %>
- ?
Indicates that data will be inserted into the page.
- Character_Data
Any combination of literal text and Xbasic functions or expressions that evaluate to character values.
The <%A5 ? ... %> construct is used to insert Xbasic code into an .A5W page, that the Application Server will subsequently process.
The <%A5 ? ... %> tag, or the A5 tag, is an HTML tag used on .A5W pages to include Xbasic code to execute in the page. The Alpha Anywhere processes the Xbasic inside the A5 tags before sending the page to the client. The ? operator can be used to output HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or other text to include in the HTML page sent to the client.
For example:
<p>The date is <%A5 ? dtoc(date(), "6-") + " today" %></p>
See Also