Using Arguments in a Record Update


This example uses an argument to select records from the AlphaSports.mdb customer table. We will filter the selected records using an argument for the bill_state_region field. In the Interactive window create the AlphaDAO objects that you will need.

dim conn as SQL::Connection
dim rs as SQL::ResultSet
dim args as SQL::Arguments

DIM other variables.

dim states_qry as C
dim state_list as C
dim state_choice as C
dim update_qry as C
dim review_qry as C

Open the connection.

?"{A5API=Access,FileName='C:\Program Files\a5v8\MDBFiles\Alphasports.mdb',UserName='Admin'}")
= .T.

Get a list of states.

states_qry = "SELECT DISTINCT bill_state_region FROM customer ORDER BY bill_state_region"
? conn.execute(states_qry)
= .T.

Convert the ResultSet into a CR-LF delimited string with the .ToString(?) method and present it to the user.

state_list = conn.resultset.tostring()
state_choice = ui_get_list2("Select State", "", state_list, 1)

Create an argument to hold the state_choice value using the .ADD(?) method.

? args.add("state", state_choice)
= .T.

The email values will be calculated using the CONCATENATE() portability function, which will combine the firstname field, "@" symbol, and lastname field. To use a Portable SQL function, you must first set the .PortableSQLEnabled? property to TRUE.

conn.PortableSQLEnabled = .t.
update_qry = "update customer set email = Concatenate(firstname, \"@\", lastname) where bill_state_region = :state"
conn.execute(update_qry, args)
= .T.

To view the results, execute a new query and preview the ResultSet.

review_qry = "select firstname, lastname, bill_state_region, email from customer where bill_state_region = :state"
? conn.execute(review_qry, args)
= .T.
rs = conn.resultset

Note that these two sets of statements are equivalent.

rs = conn.resultset

Close the connection.


See Also