Grid Component - Checkbox Column - Custom Ajax Callbacks
When you do a custom Ajax callback, the 'e' object that is passed into your Xbasic function that handles the callback contains a lot of useful information. Now, the 'e' object contains 3 additional properties that are automatically set if the grid has a checkbox column. The properties are:
a filter command to select all of the checked rows
(for SQL Grids only) if the Grid is based on SQL tables, the e.checkboxFilter property will use arguments (e.g. customerID = :pkValue1). This property contains the XML of the sql::arguments object. This object contains the argument value.
(for SQL Grids only) contains an encoded version of the e.checkboxFilterArgumentXML property that can be used in the .gridFilterSet() method.
Example of the e.checkBoxFilter property for a .dbf table that has as its primary key, the expression 'firstname-lastname': (In this example, 3 records were checked)
(Firstname-lastname = "JanetRebo") .or. (Firstname-lastname = "BryanSmith") .or. (Firstname-lastname = "LarryDodds")
Example of the e.checkBoxFilter property for a .dbf table that uses record number as the primary key: (Again, the example assumes that 3 records were checked)
(recno() = 4) .or. (recno() = 7) .or. (recno() = 9)
Example of the e.checkBoxFilter property for a SQL table that has 'customer_id' as the primary key: (Again, the example assumes that 3 records were checked. Note that the filter uses arguments)
(CUSTOMER_ID = :PKValue_R1_1) OR (CUSTOMER_ID = :PKValue_R2_1) OR (CUSTOMER_ID = :PKValue_R3_1)
Example of the e.checkboxFilterArgumentXML property show the XML for the sql::arguments object. This has values for the 3 arguments used in the above filter expression.
<SQLArguments> <SQLArgument> <Name>pkvalue_r1_1</Name> <Data Type="N">2</Data> <IsNull Type="L">0</IsNull> <Usage>Input</Usage> </SQLArgument> <SQLArgument> <Name>pkvalue_r2_1</Name> <Data Type="N">3</Data> <IsNull Type="L">0</IsNull> <Usage>Input</Usage> </SQLArgument> <SQLArgument> <Name>pkvalue_r3_1</Name> <Data Type="N">4</Data> <IsNull Type="L">0</IsNull> <Usage>Input</Usage> </SQLArgument> </SQLArguments>
Example of the e.checkboxFilterArgumentsEncoded property showing the encoded form of the above arguments:
Notice that the arguments are encoded into a string that is delimited with '\n' (the Javascript encoded value for a CRLF). The format is:
The encoded arguments are useful if you want to use the .gridFlterSet() method in your callback function. For example, the code below shows how your Xbasic function could compute a Javascript command to return to the browser:
dim cmd as c cmd = "{grid.object}.gridFilterSet('" +\ e.checkboxFilter + "','','" +\ e.checkboxFilterArgumentsEncoded + ');"
The following videos demonstrate the new features checkbox features in the Grid: