Check the clock
/documentation/pages/Guides/Application Server/Check the clock.xml
Web applications depend on accurate time keeping. Sessions are managed using a cookie, and the server sets a lifetime for that cookie based on what it thinks is the current time. The client then receives the cookie and acts on it based on its own clock. Additionally, the server will direct the client to store responses that it sends in a cache until a specified time.
Xbasic Explorer
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Platform/Xbasic Action Scripting/Xbasic Explorer.xml
The Xbasic Explorer is an extremely useful tool when you are writing code in the Code Editor, or experimenting with code in the Interactive window. It is a complete reference of all of the commands, functions, methods, properties and constants in the Xbasic language. It also shows you all of the current objects that exist, all global variables that you have created, and all Global Functions that you have defined.
INET::SSLSocket Class
Properties and methods in the SSLSocket class.
Run multiple applications or web sites by using multiple Application Server configuration files
/documentation/pages/Guides/Application Server/Run Multiple Applications or Web Sites by using multiple Application Server Configuration Files.xml
Traditionally, Application Server administrators provide service for multiple applications by using a single instance of the Application Server, placing each distinct application within a different subdirectory under the webroot.
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/Document Types/DBF/Field Functions/A5_RECALC_CALC_FIELDS Function.xml
Recalculates calc fields
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Database/Table/TABLE.OPEN_SESSION Method.xml
Open an existing table in a new session.
Session Object
The Session object is used to work with the server session. The *[xb:Session]* and *[xb:Context.Session]* object are the same and can be used interchangeably in Xbasic scripts running on both the Classic Application Server and Application Server for IIS. See [Context.Session] for a list of properties and methods for the *[xb:Session]* object.
Important Changes in Alpha Anywhere 4.5.3
/documentation/pages/Troubleshooting/Upgrading to Alpha Anywhere/Changes in Alpha Anywhere 4_5_3.xml

Changes have been made in this release to how Active Directory authentication works. This may affect your applications. Also, Cookieless Sessions are no longer supported.

Login Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Server/Context/Security/Login Method.xml
Logs in a user to a specific page and sets the authentication cookie's lifetime.
Access to Files Outside the Webroot
/documentation/pages/Server/Guide/Design/View/A5W/Access to Files Outside the Webroot.xml
By default, a web page will not display files located outside of the webroot folder structure. The advantage of this restriction is that it prevents unauthorized users from changing or damaging your data. But when you want to selectively use data outside of the webroot, there are two techniques for overcoming this limitation.