How to Change a Control's Label at Runtime
/documentation/pages/HowTo/UX/Change a Label.xml
The text for a control's label can be set at runtime with JavaScript.
How to set an Argument's Value at Run-time in a UX Component
/documentation/pages/HowTo/UX/Set an Argument Value.xml

Arguments are server-side variables you can create in components and use in database queries, populate default values, and more. Learn how to change an argument's value at run-time using callbacks.

How to Simulate the 'click' Event for a Control
/documentation/pages/HowTo/Other/Simulate an Event.xml
Event handlers can be added for control events -- click, double tap, on key press, etc. In some cases, it may be necessary to trigger a control's event, such as the click event. This can be done by getting a pointer to the control and calling a function to simulate the click.
How to Extract the Value from a URI Query String
/documentation/pages/HowTo/Other/Get Value From Query String.xml

URI Query Strings are used to provide page parameters to a web page -- such as an A5W page or HTML page. A specific value for a variable in a query string can be extracted on the client using JavaScript.

How to Create and Load an External JavaScript File
/documentation/pages/HowTo/Web Applications/Create and Link an External JavaScript File.xml
JavaScript functions can be created and stored in external files. Existing JavaScript libraries can also be linked into a component or .a5w page.
How To Bind Chart Data and Settings to a JavaScript Function
/documentation/pages/HowTo/Charts/javascript chart bind data to javascript.xml
A JavaScript function can be used to dynamically populate the data and properties for a Javascript Chart control in a UX Component.
How to Dynamically Show "Add Records" Link
/documentation/pages/HowTo/Grid/Dynamically show add records button.xml
If a Grid Component can be used to add new records, the button used to display the new record rows or detail view for adding a new record can be dynamically shown or hidden. This is done by either using Action Buttons or adding HTML to the Grid component's layout so that JavaScript can be used to toggle the display of the add new records link.
How to Customize the Confirmation Message When Closing a Dirty Form
/documentation/pages/HowTo/Desktop/Customize form close message.xml
Learn how to customize the close message for a dirty form in a Desktop Application.
How To Improve SQL Server Query Performance by Using Indexes
/documentation/pages/HowTo/Databases/Improve SQL Server Query Performance Using Indexes.xml
Performance of queries against SQL Server can be affected by string arguments due to an issue with the SQL Server optimizer.
How To Get the Current Logged in User
/documentation/pages/HowTo/Security/Get the Current User.xml

The object can be used to get the id for the currently logged in user.