Redis Client


Using the Xbasic Redis Client.

Redis Use Cases

Redis is a service primarily for communication between programs, be it through shared data, or through communication through either Lists or Channels.

Getting Started

Getting started with Redis.

Simple Example Using Redis Keys

Redis can be used to get/set keys/value pairs.

Using Redis Increment

Redis can atomically increment an existing Redis key value.

Use Redis to define a List

Redis can be used to maintain named lists.

Using a Redis Hash

Redis hash is a key that contains its own 'keys' called 'fields'.

Execute command

For commands that have not been included in the client API, the execute command can be used.

Accessing Redis on another host

Example of accessing remote Redis instance.

Redis Authentication

For commands that have not been included in the client API, the execute command can be used.

Listener Example Using Redis

Xbasic scripts can wait for Redis commands using a listener.

The Redis Publish Subscribe Pattern

An example of how to implement Redis Publish and Subscribe in Xbasic.

A Redis Monitor

An Xbasic code example implementing a Redis Monitor program.