How to Apply Security Settings Client-Side

Security settings can be applied client-side to dynamically display controls in an application, such as in Cordova applications.

How to Register New Users in a Web Application

An interface for adding new users to the security system in web applications can be created using the UX Component.

How to Edit User Records in a Web Application

An interface for editing existing users in the Web Security Framework can be created using the UX Component.

How To Get the Current Logged in User

The object can be used to get the id for the currently logged in user.

How to Create an .A5W Page that Requires Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication is a simple HTTP form of authentication which can be used to restrict access to your server or web service.

How to Test Page and Component Security

If your application has web security enabled, you can verify that security settings are properly configured by publishing your application locally and logging in using user accounts configured with different permissions.

How to Determine if the User is a Member of a Security Group

The object has numerous methods for determining if a user is a member of a specific group (a.k.a. "role").