Web Application Security Functions
Alpha Anywhere provides the following functions for working with web application security.
- Name
- Description
- A5WS_Add_Group Function
Add a group to the list of security groups for the current project.
- a5ws_ChangeLoggedInUserPassword Function
Web Security - Change a logged in user's password. This can only be run from the Application Server
- A5WS_CreateSecurityFiles Function
Create Default Web Security Files for Web Project. Used in V8 Web Application Server and later
- A5WS_Delete_Group Function
Delete a web security group in the current project. Group_value can be a group 'name' or a group 'guid'. Default for 'confirm_empty' is False. If True, the group will only be deleted if no users are assigned to group. 'Request' pointer must be provided if run in web page.
- A5WS_Delete_User Function
Delete a web security user in the current project. User_value can be a user 'guid' or a user 'userid'. 'Request' pointer must be provided if run in web page.
- A5WS_ExportUsers Function
Export selected records from the current project web users table to an external table
- A5WS_Get_Group_Assignments Function
Return a CR-LF delimited list of users assigned to a particular group in the current project. FlagWeb default value is .F. FlagWeb = .T. will output list in a format used in web components for checkboxes, radio buttons, list boxes and dropdowns. 'Request' pointer must be provided if run in web page.
- A5WS_Get_Groups Function
Show a CR-LF list of web groups for the current project. FlagWeb default value is .F. FlagWeb = .T. will output list in a format used in web components for checkboxes, radio buttons, list boxes and dropdowns. 'Request' pointer must be provided if run in web page.
- A5WS_Get_GUID_From_Group Function
Returns a group GUID from a group name. 'Request' must be provided if run in web page.
- A5WS_Get_GUID_From_Ulink Function
Returns a user GUID from a user ulink value if the ulink option is configured and a value is found. 'Request' is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.
- A5WS_Get_GUID_From_User Function
Returns a user GUID from a userid.
- A5WS_Get_LockedOutUsers Function
Returns a crlf() delimited list of userid's currently locked out by the web security. Returns blank if no one is locked out. If a format is specified, returns output in that format (U=userid,T=untiltime as character).
- A5WS_Get_Page_List Function
Get a List of Pages Currently allowed by the Web Security settings. Use in Web Dialog component
- A5WS_Get_Security_Ques Function
Get Web Security Questions in CR-LF list. Use in Web Dialog component.
- A5WS_Get_Ulink_From_GUID Function
Returns a users 'ulink' value from a user_guid in the current project. If the user link field is not activated, an empty value is returned. 'Request' is added automatically by the server when run from a web page
- A5WS_Get_User_Assignments Function
Return a CR-LF delimited list of groups assigned to a particular web security user in the current project. Accepts uservalue as 'ulink' or 'userid'
- A5WS_Get_User_From_GUID Function
Returns a userid from a user_guid in the current project. 'Request' pointer must be provided if run in web page.
- A5WS_Get_User_Values Function
This function is deprecated and this page will be removed in the near future. The function [A5WS_Get_WebUser_Values()] should be used instead.
- A5WS_Get_Users Function
Show a CR-LF list of users for the current project. FlagWeb default value is .F. FlagWeb = .T. will output list in a format used in web components for checkboxes, radio buttons, list boxes and dropdowns. 'Request' pointer must be provided if run in web page.
- A5WS_Get_WebUser_Values Function
Return values from web user table as 'CurrentForm.Controls.<fieldname>.value' for each field in table. 'UserValue' overrides values passed by the request system variable. Accepts user identification as 'UserValue.guid','UserValue.userid' or 'UserValue.ulink'.
- A5ws_GetCurrentUser Function
Get the 'UserName (UserId) of the current logged in user.
- a5ws_GetGroupsDialog Function
Returns a list of security groups defined for the current web project. Used in UX server-side events
- a5ws_getUserValuesActiveDirectory Function
Get the Active Directory properties for a user. Alpha Anywhere must be configured to use active directory.
- A5WS_Login_User Function
Log in user on a web page using supplied values. Returns <pointer>.error, <pointer>.RedirectURL. If error = .F. , RedirectURL will contain the target page. If error = .T., it will return the login redirect page.
- A5WS_LogoutUser Function
Log out the current user and remove the remember me cookie. This can only be used on a web page.
- A5WS_OpenWebSecurity Function
Display the Web Security options available for this project
- A5WS_PageSecurity Function
Assign security permissions for web pages
- a5ws_RevalidatePassword Function
Web Security - Verify the currently logged in user's password ONLY. This can only be run from the Application Server
- A5WS_Save_User_Values Function
This function is deprecated after Alpha Five Version 9. The function A5WS_Save_WebUser_Values() should be used instead.
- A5WS_Save_WebUser_Values Function
The CurrentForm variable, a system variable that refers to the contents of the dialog component.
- A5WS_SecurityActive Function
Determine if web security is active. Used only in web pages and components
- A5WS_SecurityQues Function
Deprecated - use a5ws_SecurityQuestions()
- A5WS_SecurityQuestions Function
Web Security - Enter / Edit the list of security questions used for user validation
- A5WS_SecuritySettings Function
Enter / Edit web security properties for current project
- A5WS_User_File_Field_List Function
Retrieve a list of active fields in CR-LF list for web user table in the current project. Format - n - fieldnames, t - simple field type, w - field width.
- A5WS_User_Groups_Dialog Function
Displays the add user and groups dialog for the current Web project
- A5WS_Validate_WebUser_Values Function
Validate values only in the 'CurrentForm' controls that match fields in the user table for the current project. a5ws_Validate_WebUser_Values.errors = .F. if validated 'UserValue' overrides values passed by the request system variable. Accepts values as 'UserValue.Email', 'UserValue.Ulink', etc
- A5WS_WebUser_Exists Function
Will return .T. if a user with this userid exists in the Web Security